So…One Way or Another
On June 17th, One Way or Another will be released. Why that day? Because it's Father's Day. And I can honestly tell you that my Dad helped me every step of the way to get this one done. Setbacks at work, special projects, long hours, scheduling crunches, you name it…I lost count of how many things got in the way of writing this book. I almost quit. But a certain someone wouldn't let me. “Don't give up,” he said, from somewhere out there in the stars. And when your hero says that to you? You listen. Hard.
So, I quit the gym (don't tell my doctor) and wrote at Starbucks from 5am-6am on weekdays and from 5am-8am on Sat's & Sun's, until 93,000 words later, when I had finally finished the book that many of my beta readers are now calling my best one yet (they said it, not me). All I know is that I was overjoyed when I typed the final scene. And hyped.
This book is also for all of you who were at my launch party a year and a half ago, or who have joined this newsletter or emailed me. Some of you have sent me coffee from the UK, or a selfie with one of my books while vacationing on the beach, or a pic of one propped up on a tray table during a business flight. It all means so much that I barely have the words.
Thank you. Truly.
PS: The book is NOT available for pre-order. I apologize, but Amazon's pre-order rules and pricing restrictions drive me insane. Next week, I'll have a SAMPLE CHAPTER coming your way and then…soon after…I'll have a SPECIAL SALE for my NL SUBSCRIBERS ONLY for both One Way or Another AND Another One, Book 1 of this trilogy. STAY TUNED and I hope you enjoy!
Congratzzzzzz Tony!~!!