Here's hoping that you're ringing in the New Year in style and that 2019 was a good one for you. I know for some? It wasn't. For them, here's hoping that 2020 is kinder to you. As I get older, I realize that each year is rarely 100% good or bad and that 50/50 are more likely the odds. Strangely enough? That's balance…if for no other reason than that it helps to keep everything in perspective.
For example? 2019 saw my writing take a back seat to my (other) business, which had a jump in growth and required my full-time attention again. It's hard to complain about that so I won't. I'll just say that only getting one book out in 2019 still hurt, especially after averaging three per year in 2017 and 2018. But? I figured everything for a reason. My creative brain was a bit fried to start the year anyway, and in hindsight, I needed some time for my mind to percolate with some new ideas. The result? I made headway on a literary novel AND I'm halfway through what will be my 8th supernatural thriller book, a stand alone novel starring Detective's Napoleon Villa and Evan Parker (that's right…they're baaaaaack…lol). The title? Chalk Man.
I've targeted June 10th, 2020 for the publication date because, well, that's my birthday and this book will be a gift to myself. I'm an old dog, you know, and working 40 hours a week while writing 20 hours a week (and juggling family life) is no walk in the park. But man…it's SO rewarding that I can't even begin to tell you.
I have all of you, my readers, to thank for that. Some of you are very sweet and have written to tell me that you can't wait to see me on the Best Seller List someday and others of you have told me that you've found my books or audio books in libraries across the country (ah! do I ever LOVE the library). Most recently this news came from The Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh, the city I was born in and where my grandfather immigrated to from Italy in the 1930's! I mean…I hardly have the words.
Anyway. 2020 is upon us my friends. Chin up. Full speed ahead. Here's hoping you have a Blessed and Happy New Year! I'm writing as fast as I can to get you the next story and I appreciate you more than words can say.
Love your books.
Hi Florence,
Sorry for the delay in my reply. For some reason, my website did not forward me your message. THANK YOU, so much, for taking the time to write to me and for your kind words. They mean a lot.
Tony Faggioli