So…The Countdown
What's past is prologue, they say. In many ways One Gray Day, the final book in The Parker Trilogy, is a culmination of the work put into the six books that have come before it in The Millionth Series… I cannot tell you how excited I am to publish this book. In many ways, its been the hardest one to write. But thus far, the response from my beta readers has been overwhelmingly good and my editor wrote me this week from overseas to tell me that she is blown away by the changes I made in the final revisions. This makes me very happy. Love. Pain. Redemption. Faith. Sorrow. Being lost and being found. They are subjects that have woven their way through all of these books and that come to a culmination, in a sense, in this book in particular. Because this book? This book is also about one thing. Hope. And hope? Hope comes in every color. Especially gray. ONE GRAY DAY, COMING IN MAY. Thanks for reading, Tony ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Snow Globe was officially requested by Amazon to be part of its Amazon Prime Reading Program. This past week, it climbed to #48 in the Amazon U.S. Top 100 Suspense Novels! |
Wonderful book Tony. I only hope that it won’t be the last. I do know that ‘series’ have to end but you have kind of left the ending open for continuation.